Green Source
Signing up for a compost collection service.
2. Reusing pulp. Green Source’s baker, Morning Birds Bakery, has committed to using more than she did in the past and to deliver baked goods with pulp to businesses beyond Green Source.
3. Buying more products in bulk to reduce packaging, such as almond butter and maple syrup.
“There is personal value and purpose tied to running a sustainable business - it feels like the right thing to do. Also, we would like to be an example of ethics in business. Because of our business model, it’s fairly easy for us to achieve sustainable practices. That said, it’s precisely why we started this business. We love supporting local farmers, producers and our community. We would like to be an example of how business can drive positive change.
I would encourage other businesses to be more sustainable because:
A. It’s the right thing to do.
B. The more businesses who do, the cheaper it gets for everyone.
C. Customers appreciate and value when business owners consider more than the bottom line-
it actually brings more business.”